This is a guide to register your Goerli testnet validators to our smoothing pool! Please reach out HERE with any bugs you encounter, questions or concerns, or just to show us some love!

  1. We’re live for Goerli validators to permissionlessly test, so stakers can connect to our contract using Head over there, click Enter Smoothly and connect your wallet. The wallet address with which you’re connecting must be the same wallet address that was used to fund your validator.

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  1. Once you’ve connected, the public keys associated with your validator(s) will auto-populate in the table labeled “Unregistered Validators”. You will then check the box of the validator(s) that you want to register, check the disclaimer boxes after you’ve read them, and click the “Deposit ETH and Register” button. Note that the fee recipient address in your validator client needs to be changed to the contract address listed in the disclaimer box to ensure that tips and MEV are sent to the pool. You set up the validator, so its on you to make sure this is done correctly. PLEASE DOUBLE CHECK THE ADDRESS to ensure that you are not penalized for proposing with the incorrect fee recipient. Also, the 0.65 ETH (0.065 on Goerli) insurance deposit is per validator, not per user; so in order to register 2 validators, you’ll need to deposit 1.3 ETH (0.13 on Goerli) as insurance.

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  1. After your validator is registered, it is then added to the pool index and its status will show “Awaiting Activation”. During this time, that validator will accrue rewards, but they are locked in the pool contract until the validator proposes a block with Smoothly’s contract as the fee recipient. After that condition is met, the validator status will change to “Active”, and all of the accrued rewards will be able to be claimed. Additionally, once the status is Active, you’ll be able to claim rewards at fortnightly intervals going forward.

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  1. You can head over to the Check Balance tab to review you unclaimed rewards and monitor your validators status. Your validators penalties will also show up on this page. The penalties tl;dr is that if your Awaiting Activation, you will only be penalized on your accrued rewards. Once you’re Active, you can be penalized on your insurance deposit. Please see the detailed penalties below:

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Validator Status = Awaiting Activation

Penalty Type Penalty Amount Insurance Affected?
Any Missed Proposal Zero out rewards No
Block Proposal with Incorrect Fee Recipient Zero out rewards No
Voluntary Exit (without exiting pool) Zero out rewards and removal from pool index No

*A validators status changes to Active when they propose a block with the Smoothly contract listed as fee recipient. ONLY ACTIVE VALIDATORS CAN CLAIM REWARDS.

Validator Status = Active

Penalty Type Penalty Amount Insurance Affected?
1st Missed Proposal None, excluded from one rebalance No
2nd (and subsequent) Missed Proposals 0.15 ETH from Insurance and excluded from rebalance until insurance is topped up Yes
Block Proposal with Incorrect Fee Recipient 0.65 ETH from insurance and removal from pool index Yes
Voluntary Exit (without exiting pool) Zero our rewards and removal from pool index No
  1. Next you can head over to the Claim Rewards tab. Its pretty straightforward, if you’re validators status is Active, you can claim your rewards. Rewards are distributed fortnightly to all validators in the pool index. If you’re validators status is Awaiting Activation, you can see your accrued rewards but are unable to claim them until the validator proposes a block with Smoothly’s contract address as the fee recipient.

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